Emotional Support
Whilst caring for a loved one can be very rewarding, it can also be very challenging. It can also often have a negative effect on your emotions and wellbeing. You may feel stressed, over-whelmed, drained. Sometimes you may feel angry or guilty because of the changes to your life as a result of caring.
Often you can feel very alone. We are here to support you and in this section you can explore the different kinds of help available.
Carer Support Groups
Being a carer can be demanding, and relentless at times and it is important to get as much support as you can. Joining carer support groups enable carers to meet each others in a similar situation to share experiences and support each other.
Changing Relationships
Caring can be extremely fulfilling, but it can also be demanding and take its toll on your relationships.
Changes can occur suddenly or gradually over time, but your relationships, especially with loved ones, can seem very different to how they were before.
Dealing with Anxiety
Anxiety can be described as a “feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome”.
It can strike any of us at any time, and it’s a completely natural response to a new situation. For carers it can be particularly difficult to manage, as you may be faced with uncertain situations.
Coping with Stress
We have all experienced stress at some point in our lives.
As a carer, you may be particularly susceptible to stress.
Triggers may include pressures or increased responsibility of your caring role. Feelings of anxiety can gradually build up and can even leave you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
Dealing with abuse as a carer
Although rare, some carers experience abuse at the hands of the person they care for – physical, psychological or sexual.
If you have been abused by the person you care for, then it is very important that you talk to someone.
Taking Breaks
When you’re caring for someone it can be easy to keep putting their needs before your own. However, the benefits of taking a break can be far reaching.
Carer Guilt
Guilt is a familiar feeling for many carers. For carers who work, they can feel guilt from having to spend time away from those who they care for.
Carers may also feel guilt that they may not be doing enough or should be doing better in their caring role. It is important to go easy on yourself and remember your worth and all that you selflessly do.
Low Mood and Depression
Everyone has spells of feeling down, but depression is more than just spending a few days feeling sad or unhappy.
If our low mood continues or becomes more severe, it can lead to depression.
Depression can make you feel persistently sad and down for weeks or months at a time.