Legal Information

Carers are often faced with making decisions that are legally binding and this can seem daunting.

Understanding the legal matters which you should prepare for will help you to make decisions in the future.

Making a Will

You may not want to think about what will happen after you or the person you care for passes away, and the thought of putting it down in writing can be upsetting.

However, writing a will ensures that wishes are set out clearly and you can choose who you want to deal with things on your behalf.

Mental Capacity

If the person you care for lacks capacity to make decisions about money, health and other matters, you may need to help them to make those decisions, or you may have to act or make decisions on their behalf.

The Mental Capacity Act is a law that sets out what should happen in this situation.

Lasting Power of Attorney

If you feel that the person you are supporting may not be able to make decisions for themselves in the future – especially if they are living with dementia or memory problems – then you may want to consider a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to protect your loved ones finances.

Getting Help Through an Advocate

It can be difficult to say what you want to say when you are dealing with health, care or education professionals. Where these situations feel intimidating or you are concerned you are not going to be able to say what you want to, an  advocate can help.

An advocate is an independent professional who is on your side who can support you to have your say and know your rights.