Personal Independence Payment
Personal Independence Payment provides extra money if you have a long-term physical or mental illness or disability. It doesn’t matter what your condition is – what matters is how it affects you. If you have difficulty with everyday tasks such as washing and dressing, or with getting around outside, you may be eligible. It also doesn’t matter what your income or savings are as it is not means-tested.
Am I eligible?
You can get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if all the following apply to you:
you’re 16 or over
you have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
you have difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around
you expect the difficulties to last for at least 12 months from when they started
You must also be under State Pension age if you’ve not received PIP before.
If you’re over State Pension age, you can apply for Attendance Allowance instead. Or if you’ve received PIP before, you can still make a new claim if you were eligible for it in the year before you reached State Pension age.
How do I apply?
Step one: You can make an initial claim by calling the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) on 0800 917 2222 (textphone: 0800 917 7777). In Northern Ireland, call the PIP Centre on 0800 012 1573 (textphone: 0800 012 1574).
Someone else can call on your behalf, but you’ll need to be with them. If you find it difficult to use a phone, you can request a form by post.
Step two: The DWP or PIP Centre will check you’re eligible to claim. If so, you’ll be sent a form called ‘How your disability affects you.’ It comes with notes on how to fill it in.
Step three: Complete the form. Carers UK have some great’ Tips for completing the form‘
What happens after I apply?
After the assessment, you’ll get a letter saying whether you can claim PIP and how much it will be. If you’re awarded PIP, you’ll be regularly reassessed to see if your condition has changed.
What do I do if I am turned down?
If you’re turned down, or awarded the standard rate when you think you should get the enhanced rate, you can question the decision. Over 70% of PIP appeals are successful, so it’s worth challenging the decision.
See Carers UK page on challenging a benefits decision.
What should I do if my circumstances change?
If your condition or circumstances change you need to inform the PIP enquiry line.
A change in your condition could include:
your illness or disability getting better or worse
changes to the level of help you need with daily living or mobility
going into a hospital or care home for more than 28 days (if you’re under 18 when you go into hospital, your PIP won’t be affected)
going into a hospice (if you’re terminally ill and receive PIP under special rules (link to terminal illness page), your claim won’t be affected).
A change in circumstances could include:
going abroad for more than 13 weeks
changing your name, address or bank details
going into prison.
You’re automatically eligible for a Disabled parking blue badge if you either:
scored 8 points or more in the ‘moving around’ area of your PIP assessment
scored 10 points in the ‘planning and following journeys’ area of your PIP assessment and were put in category ‘E’ – this means your stress, anxiety or other mental health issue stops you leaving the house
Check your PIP decision letter if you’re not sure.